دار النشر Journal of Global Pharma Technology
سنة النشر 2017

In-Vitro the Anti-Protozoal Activity of Onions Extract (Allium Cepa) and Metronidazole in Entamoebagingivalis Which Cultured in Tysgm-9 Medium

سرى احسان عبد جابك
دار النشر Mesopotemia Environmental journal
سنة النشر 2017

In vitro the antiprotozoal activity of Allium sativumalchohole extract and metronidazole in Entamoeba gingivalis which isolated from patients with periodontal disease

سرى احسان عبد جابك
دار النشر Euphrates Journal of Agriculture Science_ Second veterinary Conference
سنة النشر 2017

Isolation and identification of antibiotic producing bacteria from local soil in Babylon province

سرى احسان عبد جابك
دار النشر Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences
سنة النشر 2014

Experimental mammalian Escherichia coli K1 meningitis

سرى احسان عبد جابك
دار النشر
سنة النشر 2020

Studying Some Activities of Crude Alpha-Hemolysin Extracted from Staphylococcus aureus.

شيماء جاسم السلطاني